Our Vision
So I have this vision; I like to call it a “utopian health care system”. A system where each health professional excels in their field of expertise and works together to provide exceptional service to their patients.
Let’s take a closer look at the players in our current system, starting with the most predominant, the GP or family doctor. GP’s are highly trained professionals that are exceptional at their jobs. However, it is important that you understand what EXACTLY their job entails. Family doctors are trained in pharmaceutical sciences (drugs). They assess your situation; determine if they can address it with medications or if you require further testing and/or a specialist.
Yet, I hear the same complaint on a daily basis from my patients; “My family doctor does not care and only wants to give me ‘meds’”. Let me recap the scenario for you: You go to them with a problem; they listen, open their toolbox in the hopes of finding a solution. Unfortunately, that “tool” is frequently medication. Don’t get me wrong, pharmaceuticals are not the problem. It is the overuse of medications, especially for conditions that might benefit from other, non-pharmaceutical therapies, that has created the problem.
You need to ask yourself what you are looking for from your health care professional. If you want a quick fix, symptomatic relief and you are not willing to be an active participant in your own health pharmaceuticals can be very effective and sometimes necessary. If you are looking for a more holistic approach that addresses the cause of illness you need to investigate alternative or complimentary professions. For joint pain, you can take an anti-inflammatory but should also consult a physiotherapist or chiropractor to decrease pain and teach you exercises to prevent recurrence.
Here is the problem, as I see it. Too many health care professionals, alternative and conventional, are closed minded and feel that it’s their way or the highway. MDs are hesitant to refer to alternative practitioners, and frankly who can blame them. From ridiculous claims of curing cancer to overpriced therapies without scientific backing, complementary practitioners have created an image that conventional medicine has difficulty supporting. Conversely, I know alternative practitioners who feel pharmaceuticals are evil and should NEVER be used. What a ridiculous concept when, next to sanitation, the development of medications like antibiotics have increased our average lifespan by 30 years in the past century!
We all have our place in the system and let me assure you, if I get diagnosed with a serious condition or sustain a major injury, I do not want to see my naturopath, physiotherapist or chiropractor until I have had every test, x-ray, MRI, and powerful pain medication known to Western society. However, if I was diagnosed with a life threatening illness, I would utilize the knowledge of every competent practitioner I could find in the hopes they could work together towards a common goal; to improve both the physical and emotional health of their mutual patient using every tool in their respective toolboxes.
What is standing in the way of my utopian system? Certainly, a lack of education on the part of patients and doctors as to the merits of a holistic approach plays a part. As well, practitioners need to put aside their egos and understand that their way may not ALWAYS be the best way.
So what can you do as a patient to get the most out of currently flawed system? Take responsibility for you own health, utilize all health care resources available to you and ensure they are working together in your best interest. Ask questions. After all, the word “doctor” means “teacher”, although some days I think that we are the ones who have the most to learn.